Australian Research Theology Foundation Inc.

When applying for a grant, make sure you submit four documents (detailed below) and address all thirteen questions in the main submission document (see below).

Maximum grant = $10,000

Applications are by email only.

Email us

To apply for a grant you should email the following four documents to (.doc, .docx, or .pdf format):

  1. A main submission document addressing thirteen questions (listed below);
  2. A 1,000-word statement which states the nature of your research, the outcomes you seek, and how you plan to disseminate the results of your project;
  3. A one-page detailed costing plan for your project;
  4. A one-page CV.

The thirteen questions to be addressed in your application's main submission document are now listed. (Please make sure you address all thirteen questions.)

  1. Name of Applicant:
  2. Address:
  3. Phone Contact:
  4. Email Contact:
  5. Project Title:
  6. Amount of Grant Sought $
  7. Expected time frame of project:
  8. Is this research project undertaken in an institutional setting (e.g. parish, diocese, hospital, tertiary institution)? If so, please provide details, and a letter of support from this institution.
  9. Details of other income (private or other grant funding) available to you for this project.
  10. How likely is this project to proceed without ARTFinc's participation?
  11. Outline the scope and methodology for the proposed project.
  12. Indicate your intended outcomes.
  13. Summarise how your project meets the objects of ARTFinc.

Tips for Applicants

Make sure that you address the "Objects of the Foundation" (citing specific objects listed on our homepage) when answering Question 13.

Please note that funds are not generally made available for the purchase of equipment such as computers.

Preference will be given to applications where proposed research is undertaken in Australia.

It is also our policy that where the application involves travel and accommodation costs, that these be kept to a minimum.

Where funding is sought to assist with the staging of conferences, we expect conference organisers to be realistic in their ambitions and that their intended conference is largely self-supporting (apart from funding issues at the margins, or where an exceptional case can be made for conference subsidies - such as seeking funds to assist members of disadvantaged groups).

Maximum funding for any project is $10,000.

Feedback for Applicants

After the Foundation makes its determination at its annual grants meeting in mid-year, successful applicants will be advised by email.

Successful applicants will be asked to sign a form agreeing to the Grant Conditions and will negotiate a payment schedule (with the schedule for payments being negotiated with the Chair of the Foundation). The payment schedule is subject to regular progress reports being satisfactory (as negotiated with the Chair of the Foundation).

Unfortunately, the Foundation does not provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates, beyond advising them of the outcome of their application.